日本の大手出版社三社が、海賊版サイト「漫画村」の元運営者に対して、約19億3000万円の損害賠償を求めました。この裁判で、東京地裁は元運営者に約17億3600万円の支払 いを命じたことが明らかになりました。これは、日本の著作権に関する裁判で非常に大きな賠償命令の一つです。
Three major Japanese publishers demanded about 1.93 billion yen in damages from the former operator of the pirate site ‘Manga Mura’. In this case, the Tokyo District Court ordered the former operator to pay about 1.736 billion yen. This is one of the largest copyright-related compensation orders in Japanese copyright litigation.
「漫画村」は、無断で「ワンピース」や「キングダム」などの人気漫画 を掲載していました。このため、出版社は大きな経済的損失を受けました。
‘Manga Mura’ unlawfully posted popular manga such as ‘One Piece’ and ‘Kingdom’, causing significant financial losses for the publishers.
According to the judgement, the former operator was actively involved in the establishment and management of the site. He has previously been convicted of copyright infringement and served a prison sentence.
This decision could be a significant legal precedent in the fight against piracy in the future.
Key Words and Phrases:
- 出版社(しゅっぱんしゃ): publisher
- 賠償(ばいしょう): compensation
- 裁判(さいばん): trial, court case
- 著作権(ちょさくけん): copyright
- 有罪(ゆうざい): guilty
- 判決(はんけつ): judgment, verdict
- 無断(むだん): without permission
- 掲載(けいさい): publication, posting
- 損害(そんがい): damage, harm
- 経済的(けいざいてき): economic
- 海賊版(かいぞくばん): pirated version
- 管理(かんり): management